Scrolling Logos

Duda Widget: Scrolling Logos

Marquee Logos Images featuring a dynamic bouncing effect and black-and-white capabilities.

The Preview

GIF Aminated Logo with Bouncing effect. Images are also Greyed out on hover

animated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gif

Chose any image or GIF.

animated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gif
animated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gifanimated google gif
  • Add unlimited items.
  • Upload images, or GIFs
  • Choose left or right scrolling.
  • Toggle bouncing on or off
  • Control bouncing speed
  • Images are set to grey out on hover.
  • Turn on greyscale in design tab to get images to be in color on hover.
  • Control the marquee scrolling speed.


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